Monday, January 9, 2012

Learn While You Network

Learning or improving a new skill can improve your career prospects.  It can make you more marketable to potential employers are more essential to your current employer.

Learning a new skill can also expand your network.

Sign up for a seminar that interests you.  Perhaps you want to improve your graphic design skills with a course in Adobe Photoshop.  Maybe you would like to improve your public speaking skills.  Or, perhaps your local professional association is hosting a seminar that will improve your knowledge in a particular area.

Before you attend, research the topic and speakers.  Jot down a few questions that you would like to ask.  At the seminar, keep your questions nearby and be sure to write down answers if the questions happen to be addressed. As the seminar progresses, write down additional questions that you may have.

While at the seminar, put your cell phone away.  Introduce yourself to the other attendees.  Exchange business cards.  Make small talk.

If the seminar format permits, ask intelligent questions. After the seminar, introduce yourself to the speakers, thank them for their time and ask to exchange contact information. Explain your situation.  Are you new to the industry?  Are you seeking to specialize in their field? Follow-up with the speakers that you meet by sending an email to thank them again for an entertaining and educational seminar.

Make it a point to expand your skills and your network by attending a seminar regularly.  Once a month would be great, but simply is not possible for everyone.  If money or time does not permit, set an attendance schedule that works for you.

Expand your skills and expand your network by signing up for a seminar today!