Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 Tips for Networking in the New Year

Will this be the year that you take the next step in your career? Here are a few quick tips to make networking work for you in 2012.

Follow Up

Have you been slacking on your emails? Have you failed to follow up with someone after an introduction? Take the next week to make a list of everyone you need to send a follow up email to.  Then, do it. Wishing your contact a Happy New Year is a great way to reestablish your connection.

Get Organized

Do you have business cards strewn about across your desk, in your pockets, on the floor of car and at the bottom of your purse? Purchase a business card file book to organize your contacts.  After writing a quick note on the back of the business card indicating where and when you met the person and what you spoke about, simply slip the card into the file. 

Use Your Calendar

Whether you use paper, digital, or your phone to keep track of your appointments, calendar a few events for networking in 2012.  Look to your alma mater as well as your local newspaper for opportunities to network.  Put it on your calendar and get ready to network.

Commit Your Time

How will you spend your time in 2012? Commit yourself to joining a new organization or spending more time with an organization you already belong to.  Perhaps you could take on a leadership role or committee position.  


Is there someone that you can introduce a friend to in your network? Take the time to write that introductory email or make that phone call. Your kindness won’t be forgotten.