Monday, January 30, 2012

Career Specific Networking for Educators

As educators, teachers have many opportunities to network in the community.


There are opportunities to tutor privately, in after-school programs, as well as through franchise learning centers.  To tutor children in a specific subject area, most programs will require you to have a state license and teaching certificate.  So that means that all of the tutors working in the program will be teachers.  There will certainly be people like you there who are not teaching full-time (yet).  But, there will also be full-time teachers who want to earn a bit more money, retired teachers who had been with a school district for years, and parents who may work within a school setting as teachers, principals, administrative assistants, etc.  Tutoring is a great option to use your skills and gain experience as you continue to network for a permanent teaching positions.

Substitute Teaching

If there is a particular school system or several school systems that you would like to teach in, complete the paperwork to get on the list to substitute teach.  If you apply to substitute for a school that you attended, you will probably get pushed up on the substitute list.  As a substitute, you will be a familiar face to the administration when you hand in your application for an available full-time position.  You will also have the opportunity to learn of openings or potential openings before they are posted to the public. 

Religious Organizations

If you are interested in working at a private, religious or parochial school, consider joining the religious organizations with which they are affiliated.  For example, if you want to work as a teacher in a Catholic School, attend mass and pick up a bulletin.  What kind of volunteer opportunities are available? By volunteering with organizations within the church, you are showing commitment to the values and goals that the school holds dear.  As you volunteer and network, be certain to make your career goals clear.  No one will know that you are interested in the 4th grade opening, unless you make it known.

Continuing Education Seminars and Conferences

You may not need the credits yet, but attending continuing education seminars and conferences allows you to network with other teachers and administrators.  Check your state’s website and see if there are local seminars that you could attend.  If the cost is prohibitive, call the sponsor and ask for the student rate.  Attending a seminar is a great investment to network with other educators and administration, while demonstrating a commitment to becoming a better teacher.

Happy Networking!