Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Will Network for Work

If you are currently searching for a job in a particular industry, you may find that your options for networking events are overwhelming.  

There are local, county and state professional associations.  There are networking groups within religious organizations.  There are civil groups such as your local or county chamber of commerce.  There are regional alumni groups.  There are meetups and start ups.  There are breakfast meetings, lunch meetings, and happy hours.  

You have a limited budget of both time and money.  You must decide where you will spend your time networking.  

But, where do you begin?

Start by looking to the leaders in your field.  To which organizations do they belong?  What committees do they join?

Reach out to people who are doing what you would like to do.  Ask their advice.

Attend multiple meetings and talk to people.  Ask them what they like about the organization and what they take away from it.

Slowly narrow down your organizations to a manageable group of organizations to which you can truly commit your time.

What organizations do you find most valuable to your job search?