Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Congratulations, What's Next?

Congratulations New Graduates!

Whether you have graduated from high school, college, graduate school or professional school, you deserve to take time to appreciate and celebrate your accomplishments.

Maybe you will have a small intimate dinner party to celebrate.  Maybe you have the party of the century planned to celebrate FINALLY getting your degree.

Whatever your celebration plans, be prepared for the party.

“Congratulations!” Your neighbor will greet you.  “What are you going to do now?” He’ll ask.

And your stomach drops.  The balloons deflate.  The room grows silent.

What are you going to do now?

Maybe you have a fantastic job lined up with a Fortune 500 company that offered to pay off your student loans as a sign on bonus.  


Most likely, you are like the majority of the Class of 2012 and you aren’t quite sure what your next step will be.  You are casting a wide net in your job search, but continue to come up empty.

Breathe easier.  You have a tremendous networking opportunity before you--your own graduation party.

Mingle, talk to the people who support and love you.  

Dream, let people know what you’d like to accomplish.

And most of all, celebrate your accomplishments today.  You’ve earned it.